Open Rhinoplasty Recovery – How Long Does It Take to Recover


Rhinoplasty refers to cosmetic surgery procedure that is performed on the nose to enhance its appearance by either reshaping or resizing it. This procedure may also be done with the aim of improving the functionality of the nose or the appearance. It can also be done to enhance facial beauty, correct birth defects, eradicate breathing problems or get rid of trauma. Although rhinoplasty is quite popular among A-list celebrities, its popularity has increased over the years with many people going for it with the main motivation being correcting the shape of the nose. Even then, it should be clear that the results are not instant and can only be experienced months after the procedure.

Open Rhinoplasty

There are two major types of rhinoplasty namely open rhinoplasty and closed rhinoplasty. The open technique means that there is an incision made in the tissue below the nostrils. This area is opened in order for the surgeon to perform the procedure. The benefits of this method include a higher degree of visibility and the ability to more easily maneuver the cartilage and bone. This is helpful when there is a large amount of correction to be done.

The surgeon has more control of precision with the open method. The negative aspect of this method is that it has longer recovery time. Because the surgery is more intrusive, there will be a higher degree of swelling, bruising and pain and for a longer period of time when compared to the closed type.

Open Rhinoplasty Recovery Time

Recovering from rhinoplasty can be a delicate and daunting task. Many people wonder what to expect during the recovery period and how long the period actually lasts. When it comes to pain, the average patient will suffer moderate to severe pain and discomfort from roughly day 2 until day 10 after the procedure. It is possible to have swelling from 1 to 6 weeks for the closed surgery, but for the open rhinoplasty which requires the opening of the nasal passageways, it may be as much as 6 months. You may even experience numbness on the tip of your nose for several weeks after the procedure.

It’s important to remember that during this rhinoplasty recovery period you will be required to change the bandages every week or so as well as staying away from any type of work or exercise for at least 2 weeks. Unfortunately, the final results of the procedure cannot be seen immediately but rather only after about 2 years.

During the recovery period, your nose might appear bruised, crooked, swollen, numbed and painful at the same time. Luckily like any procedure, there are ways to help speed up the recovery process, but certain precautions must be taken in doing so. Your doctor may recommend either a warm or cold compress depending on the underlying circumstances, and you should listen to them as it will help speed up your recovery. It is important that you take no nasal medications for at least 3 months after the completion of the procedure and that includes the use of a humidifier or a saline solution nasal spray. The obvious it to not pick your nose, or even blow it for a period of 4 weeks as this may cause bleeding and has even been known to cause asymmetrical healing issues as the cartilage attempts to heal itself.

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